A property manager's guide to pest control

Rat Control Products

Not only do rats contaminate food and carry diseases, the can also cause damage to electrical systems, phone lines, and HVAC systems. There are many different rat killer products that are used to fend off vermin infestations. All rat control products work to some extent but some vermin are smarter than others so one particular product likely won't always eliminate the entire rat problem. This is the main reason why so many rat control products are available.

Rat Poison/Rat Bait

Rat poison is made for both interior and exterior use. Exterior rat poison is more resistent to the elements. Obviously the idea is to place the rat bait in areas vermin will eat it and later die. Rat poison is commonly used by pest control companies on the outside of a residence for preventative maintenance. Rat bait can be found in the garden section of home improvement stores or on-line. Exterior rat poison is often placed in bait stations along the walls of a building or thrown in areas with ivy. Interior rat bait is often placed in the attic or hard to reach areas.

  • Easy to use, just put it anywhere
  • Great for hard to reach places in attics and under houses because it can litterally be thrown where you want it to go
  • Inexpensive
  • Rodents can die in walls or other areas you can't get to them and start stinking
  • Can be dangerous to pets and children if eaten
  • Vermin will not always eat the pellets when other food is available

Rat Traps

Rat traps are the good old fashion way of killing rats. Believe it or not, from my property management experience I've found that simple rat traps are the leading product used by pest control companies on the interior of a residence. Aside from regular snap traps, rat glue traps and electric rat traps are also available.

Snap Traps

Rodent snap traps are spring activated and smash a rat when they are tripped. The initial snap does not often kill a rodent instantly and the critter may struggle a bit before it perishes. We actually had a case where one trap went off and we could not find it after an extensive search of the attic. The rodent must have carried it away with him and died in a location that we couldn't get to. We have only lost one snap trap and 90% of the time vermin die right where they are hit.

  • Very inexpensive
  • You know they are affective as you see when rats are caught
  • Easily Disposable
  • Smart rats sometimes do avoid rat traps
  • Can hurt pets or children that set off the traps on accident
  • Disposing of rats after they have been killed can be unpleasant
Rat Glue Traps

Rat glue traps work by literally stick unsuspecting rats to them when they are stepped on. They are most effective when placed in corners because rodents often travel along the walls of a home. Rat glue traps are also very effective when placed in front of known rodent holes.

  • Cheap
  • You will sometimes catch multiple rodents with one trap
  • Easily Disposable
  • Really annoying trying to separate them if they are squished together in the package
  • Rats can run over lower quality glue traps or old traps without getting stuck
  • They can get stuck to children, pets, and shoes
  • Rodents do sometimes avoid walking on glue traps altogether
Electronic Rat Traps

The newer electronic rat traps instantly kill vermin with a powerful electric shock. Electronic rat traps are battery powered and are activated when a rodent steps inside to go for the rat bait. They are available on-line and in many home improvement stores

  • The most humane way to kill a rodent
  • Can be used over and over again
  • Easy to use
  • Most electronic rat traps last less than one year before failing
  • More expensive than other available options

Rat Repellent

Rat repellent can be used to deter rodents from entering an area you are trying to protect such as a garden. Rat Repellent works by using the keen sense of smell vermin have to trick them into thinking predators are nearby. The rat repellent contains granules that give off the scent of territorial urine from predators.

  • Safe for children and pets
  • Easy to use
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Humane way of dealing with vermin
  • Does not work for all rodents, some simply ignore it
  • Must be applied again if it gets rained on
  • Humans may notice the odor if it is used indoors

For our complete rat pest control guide checkout how to get rid of rats.